About this project
A card deck inspired by The Good Place, Oblique Strategies by Brian Eno, and a potent cocktail of feelings about the State of Tech™️. I wanted to create an accessible, beautiful, easy-to-use tool which helps us move from an uncomfortable feeling to action.
The accompanying activities are launched from the assumption that our character is voluntary, and we can improve it by practicing to be good. I believe that ethical behaviour and decision-making are the outcome of practice as opposed to an innate characteristic. I think it’s a capability we can encourage and nurture in ourselves and in our teams, like any other.
Much like learning to code, it might feel uncomfortable or foreign at first, but may also become second-nature more quickly than we might think.

A nod to moral philosophy
The provocations are inspired by different moral philosophies such as Utilitarianism and Contractualism. Apologies to the purists, but I'm not loyal to any specific school. Rather I attempted to be 'platform agnostic'. 🤓
That said, this is just my first crack at these questions, and I intend to refine them with experience and feedback. There’s no one-size-fits all, and I provide 14 blank cards to encourage participants to come up with their own provocations. I look forward to seeing how everyone else frames their pointed questions for greatest effect!